D5.4 Techno-economic validation: Main conclusions and recommendations
D5.4 – Techno-economic validation: Main conclusions and recommendations This report focused on the evaluation of results and compilation of recommendations for a future gas grid. The report proposes four possible gas grids characterized by H2 content and the need for separation. The key findings are as follows: Blending low volumes (0-2 vol.-%) of hydrogen into […]
D5.3 – Intermediate report: key findings on potential and enablers
D 5.3 – Intermediate report: key findings on potential and enablers D5.3 reveals that large scale hydrogen separation costs can be decreased to 13,812 €/m2, which is 37% lower than lab scale separation. The report also shows that the cost of separating 1 Nm3/h of hydrogen is expected to be around 0.95 €/Nm3 of H2, […]
D4.2 Report on results of the validation
D4.2 Report on results of the validation Deliverable D4.2 gathers the results obtained in the different tests performed during the first and second experimental campaigns, carried out in the R&D testing platform built in WP3 at Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón (FHA). This R&D facility aims to reproduce a natural gas transport grid at smaller scale, where […]
D5.1 – Baseline, assumptions and scope for techno-economic modelling of hydrogen admixture into the gas grid
D5.1 – Baseline, assumptions and scope for techno-economic modelling of hydrogen admixture into the gas grid The report “Baseline and case studies definition” aims to develop the basics which are of fundamental importance for the further tasks in work package 5 of the HIGGS project. The report is divided into three main chapters. The section […]
D2.3 – Final document review on specific technical, RCS barriers, enablers and innovations
D2.3 – Final document review on specific technical, RCS barriers, enablers and innovations With the focus on infrastructure, european legal, and technical framework, european sector initiatives, certification and national frameworks the final review on barriers, enablers, and innovations of hydrogen compitability in high-pressure grids is now elaborated. The high-pressure transmission gas grid is substantially hydrogen-ready. […]
D2.2 Assessment document of RCS barriers and enablers at EU level
D2.2 Assessment document of RCS barriers and enablers at EU level The objective of the present deliverable report is to give a first overview on the current existing European regulations, standardisation and certification (RSC) and testing methods concerning the allowed hydrogen concentrations and gas quality requirements on regards of hydrogen in the transmission gas system. […]