D2.2 Assessment document of RCS barriers and enablers at EU level
The objective of the present deliverable report is to give a first overview on the current existing European regulations, standardisation and certification (RSC) and testing methods concerning the allowed hydrogen concentrations and gas quality requirements on regards of hydrogen in the transmission gas system.
The deliverable report D2.2 gives the first insight into RSC in Europe by summarising literature and by the consultation of RSC bodies like CEN, DIN and DVGW CERT. Further contact will be estab-lished to NEN, AFNOR, KIWA, HIPS-NET and feedback is expected to be gathered and included into D2.3 – Final document review on specific technical and RCS barriers and enablers. In addi-tion, a questionnaire has been sent to the relevant stakeholders in Europe’s gas industry that will complement the deliverable report. It is expected to receive the results in the coming months and the results will be included in D2.3.