D6.1 - Review of the potential of H2 injection in European grids

Country-by-country study of the expected demand and potential production, predicting flows of hydrogen based on the existing grid capacity.
Forecasts towards 2040 and 2050.  

The main goal of D6.1 is completing the work already started in WP2 about the state-of-art of the European transport grid infrastructure, as well as reporting the main achievements of task 6.1 in WP6, where the potential for hydrogen injection in the European grid is studied, forecasting future trends up to 2050 and their alignment with the EU policies. More specifically, the following objectives have been considered:  

  • Completing the inventory of the European transport grid with public information available from TSOs as well as from direct their direct contribution to HIGGS via a dedicated survey, providing an update of the overview already shown in D2.3 (WP2). 
  • Estimating the ranges of hydrogen injection which are potentially required due to future energy trends.  
  • Defining a baseline scenario for hydrogen injection in the European counties and forecasting future trends in the mid-term (by 2030) and long-term (by 2050), including possible flows of hydrogen among countries.  
  • Comparing the hydrogen injection potential with the current EU policies to identify the regulation missing and other kind of barriers.  
  • Studying the alignment of the Task 6.1 outputs with those of
    WP4: Systematic and experimental validation of components and
    WP5: Techno-economic modelling and validation, enablers and interoperability 
Addendum: The picture shows the transmission grid kilometers of the TSOs that participated in the HIGGS internal survey and not the entire European network.