Scientific Paper – Enabling the injection of hydrogen in high-pressure gas grids: investigation of the impact on materials and equipment

Scientific Paper – Enabling the injection of hydrogen in high-pressure gas grids: investigation of the impact on materials and equipment Enabling the injection of hydrogen in high-pressure gas grids: investigation of the impact on materials and equipment Green hydrogen is a renewable gas that can help to reach the goal of decarbonizing the energy sector. The […]
Hydrogen in Gas Grids – Interview with Dr. Vanesa Gil

Interview with Dr. Vanesa Gil Within the framework of the HIGGS project we interviewed our key experts regarding the hydrogen and energy transition. The following is an interview with Dr. Vanesa Gil, project coordinator in HIGGS, ARAID Senior Researcher and Head of R&D at Aragon Hydrogen Foundation.
Hydrogen in Gas Grids – Interview with Dr. Javier Sánchez

Interview with Dr. Javier Sánchez Within the framework of the HIGGS project we interviewed our key experts regarding the hydrogen and energy transition. The following is an interview with Dr. Javier Sánchez – Coordinator of the H2 transition and transport area at Aragon Hydrogen Foundation
Hydrogen in Gas GridS – Test-Platform to examine the effect of H2 on gas grid components and steels – YouTube

Hydrogen in Gas GridS – Test-Platform to examine the effect of H2 on gas grid components and steels – YouTube “Test-Platform to examine the effect of H2 on gas grid components and steels”-video is online. Within the framework of our project a test-platform has been planned, built, and run to test the effect of hydrogen […]
D5.1 – Baseline, assumptions and scope for techno-economic modelling of hydrogen admixture into the gas grid

D5.1 – Baseline, assumptions and scope for techno-economic modelling of hydrogen admixture into the gas grid The report „Baseline and case studies definition“ aims to develop the basics which are of fundamental importance for the further tasks in work package 5 of the HIGGS project. The report is divided into three main chapters. The section […]
D2.3 – Final document review on specific technical, RCS barriers, enablers and innovations

D2.3 – Final document review on specific technical, RCS barriers, enablers and innovations With the focus on infrastructure, european legal, and technical framework, european sector initiatives, certification and national frameworks the final review on barriers, enablers, and innovations of hydrogen compitability in high-pressure grids is now elaborated. The high-pressure transmission gas grid is substantially hydrogen-ready. […]
HIGGS presented at the FCH JU Programme Review Days 2021

The HIGGS project has been presented at the FCH JU Programme Review Days 2021, the final events of the European Hydrogen Week. The HIGGS project has been presented at the FCH JU Programme Review Days 2021, the final events of the European Hydrogen Week. Our project coordinator Vanesa Gil presented the content and progress the […]
HIGGS at the Wind Meets Gas symposium

14/Oct/2021 News On 7 and 8 October, energy experts and policy makers from the Netherlands and abroad met in Groningen for the 5th Wind Meets Gas symposium. The annual symposium, with his Majesty King Willem-Alexander giving the opening adress as the guest of honour, is an initiative of New Energy Coalition and discusses the latest […]
Test Platform – Assembly ongoing

14/Jun/2021 News Our Test platform is getting closer and closer to being finished. Currently the Assembly at FHa is in progress. With the platforms´ admixture system and the air supply ready the final assembly is currently in full swing at the Facilities of FHa in Spain. This also means that we are pretty close to […]
HIGGS is ready to start building

17/Dec/2020 News We are right on schedule with our testing platform. The planning has been finished and the procurement of the different parts is well on its way. Check out our P&ID Scheme to get an idea how the assembled testing platform is going to look like. The assembly of the testing platform is planned […]